
【Average】OWNERCONTACTHOME PAGEYourcompanioninJapanWe support volunteer activitiesto clean up the streets of Shibuya.We organize workshops and events for our guests.At “Bio Sake Ring Ring” we serve organic Japanese high quality sake and food.Evensmallif sake is originally from Japan, its popularity is declining and the small niche of organic sake has almost been forgotten. Only a few volunteers continue it as a family business. Furthermore, much of Japan's farmland is contaminated with pesticides, making it very difficult to obtain organic agriculture to produce safe ingredients. Additives are used in high concentrations, putting the health of many people at risk.I want to contribute to the health and prosperity of the people living in Japan and to the restoration of a rich and safe farmland by passing on Japanese organic sake culture to future generations and consuming good, healthy and safe food6.000yen~7,000yenAsvolunteers,wehelpwithfarmworkandprovidefreemealstolocalchildren,forexampleinthe“Children'sCafeteria”.ABOUT US PRICECONTACT USMr. Seiji MatsudaBio Sake Dining Ring RingBio Sake Dining Ring RingLocation: Shibuya (Gmap)Business Hour:18:00~24:00Closed: Sunday

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