
【1 bottle】 3,960yen + Shipping feeHOME PAGEORDER FORMABOUT USWe are committed to the "Koshu species", one of the ancient grape varieties in Japan. We have been also making efforts to produce white wines on grapes picked up in certain fields in Hishiyama area, Katsunuma-cho, Koshu.The movement above initiatiated by a sommelier. Our supervisor Masahiro Oyama produced the first vintage Koshu wine, "Hyakunotami 2004" in partnership with farmers and wineries. Since then, we have been producing Koshu wine, using high quality grape species harvested from a single field.Our field has been restored with grapevine replacement and resting since the end of the vintage of the year 2011. We resumed activities to produce a new vintage in 2016. Along with this, we have made our organization into a corporation since this time and have increased capital. We hope to struggle daily so that a lot of people know the wonder of the Koshu wine made from the ancient Japanese grape varieties. I wish we can contribute even a little to the domestic wine industry, I believe it is a true prospect.PRICE CONTACT USComanion to living in japanPHOTOCEOHYAKUNOUTAMIMr. Shigehide Eto

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