
Japanese wine “KOSHUSURLIE”Comanion to living in japanCrop yield limit'HYAKUNOTAMI' brewed using Koshu species harvested from a single field in the Katsunuma Hishiyama area, about 13 ares. cultivate it by "thorough restriction of harvesting" that limits 1 ton per ares.Brewed only by the potential of grapesIn order to reach the alcohol degree of wine regulation, it is necessary for the grapes to reach a certain level of sugar at harvest. 'HYAKUNOTAMI' has not done any supplementation. Grapes grown for 'HYAKUNOTAMI', because of their very high sugar content, raw materials brew wine only from this grape.Grape farmer: Kiyoshi MITSUMORI'HYAKUNOTAMI' are cultivated with great emphasis by Mr. Mitsumori in the Katsunuma‐cho, Hishiyama area of Koshu City. Over the years, we have been devoting much effort to the cultivation and development of grapes.

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